Tyler Stauss - Aspiring Web Developer and App Developer
Starting in the summer of 2013 I decided I wanted to be a web developer. I've been working in online marketing for the past 6+ years and have experience working with developers, but I wanted to become one myself. I took a bunch of online courses at CodeAcademy, CodeSchool, Udemy and Thinkful.com and have learned HTML5, CSS3, PHP, MySQL, Javascript and JQuery. In early 2014 I moved up to San Francisco to attend Dev Bootcamp.
I love sports, reading, watching tv (sports!) and watching movies. In my spare time I play basketball, go for runs, eat good food and seek out IPAs that I haven't tried yet.
I thoroughly enjoy building websites. It is quite rewarding to create a usable app or site from scratch and show it off to your friends and family. My skills learned to date include, but are not limited to Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Javascript, JQuery, Ajax, CSS3, HTML, PHP, MySQL, Redis, Sidekiq, Rspec, Shoulda Matchers, Capybara, Google Maps API, Reddit API, Instagram API, ESPN API, Google Plus API, Oauth and more.