Tyler Stauss

759 Filbert Street, San Francisco CA 94133

916.759.4141 - tyler.e.stauss@gmail.com

linkedin.com/in/tylerstauss - github.com - tylerstauss - bitbucket.org - tylerstauss tylerstauss.com


Ruby, Sinatra, Ruby on Rails, Rspec, PostgreSQL

JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX

PHP, Apache, MAMP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin

HTML5, CSS3, Wordpress

Git, GitHub, BitBucket, Sublime, iTerm, Trello, Jira


Founder/President - GoPromoCodes.com 2009-Present

Developed business from scratch

Generated over $200k revenue each of last 3 years

Managed relationships with over 3000 advertisers

Vice President/Founder - CheapSally.com 2010-2013

Oversee all SEO, SEM, PR, Affiliate marketing for site

Develop budget and marketing plan

Responsible for profit/loss of the company

Attend conferences representing the company

Establish and maintain relationships with advertisers/retailers

Affiliate Marketing Product Manager - Flank Marketing 2010-2011

Create affiliate programs for clients

Help client from sales to contract to program launch

Manage client relationships and expectations

Coordinate advertising placements on publisher websites


Dev Bootcamp 2013-2014

Intensive 9-week program focused on full stack web development

Developed good testing practices through Test-Driven Development

Deployed several web apps on small teams during week-long sprints

University of California Santa Barbara 2004-2007

Graduated with 3.3+ GPA

BA in Business Economics

Dean of Students Award Winner Senior Year

Secretary, Vice President and President of Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity